Check-in / Check-out Timings: The check-in time for guests is 1300 hrs and check-out time for guests is 1100 hrs. Early check-in and delayed check-out may attract additional charges.
In order to avoid credit card frauds, guests are requested to note the following: In case the booking is made using credit card, guests are requested to carry the following documents at the time of Check In: If the Credit card holder is the guest or one of the guests, then the credit card will have to be produced at the time of Check In. If the Credit Card holder is not one of the guests, then a copy of the credit card (both front and back), self-attested by the credit card holder should be produced at the time of Check In. In addition to this, it is also required to produce a letter, signed by the credit card holder, authorizing the use of the credit card for the booking of the room. The letter should mention the names of the guests, date of travel, property and room type. This letter, along with the self-attested copy of the credit card will have to be submitted at Check In desk. At the time of submitting the credit card copy, please ensure that the CVV number on it is blacked out. (CVV Number is a three-digit number at the reverse side of the credit card, at the end of the signature panel). In case the above documents are not produced by the guests, Hotel reserves the right to deny the reservation. In such case no refund (except for the taxes) will be given to the guest. In case of erroneous / inadequate / misleading information given while booking ,
Hotel reserves the right to cancel the booking without any intimation. Guests are required to carry a vaild identity proof and produce the same at the checkin. Please being along with you the same identity proof you have entered while booking for verification at the hotel.
For The Windflower Bandipur (Addiitionally)
Being that the resort is in the reserve forest, there are certain restrictions that come along, like restricted cell phone connectivity, no television in suite rooms, Wi Fi only in public areas, no loud music and guest must be back to the rooms by 2200 Hrs. The main gate closes of the reserve forest closes by 2000 hrs. Liquor Policy For The Windflower Bandipur
As per Statement Govt Of Karnataka Excise Department Instructions that here afterwards Outside Liquors will not be allowed inside the Windflower Bandipur Resort. The Excise Department can check the baggage while check in & if any liquors are found, that Liquors can be seized.
Outside liquor will not be permitted at the Windflower Bandipur Resort, Bandipur. If guests wish to consume alcohol, they will need to purchase it from the resort bar only.